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  • Noise induced Hearling loss in Dentistry part 1

    Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has been an ignored yet significant work hazard for all dental professionals.  While we have evolved with personal protective equipment, our hearing continues to be permanently damaged due to the high intensity sounds in the dental environment, leading to production issues and lower quality of life.In this brief webinar, we examine the facts and data on NIHL and show how serious the risks are for dental professionals, citing decades of dental literature while introducing a novel solution that will protect our hearing while not compromising communication 

    Length: 20:35 min
    Dr Sam Shamardi
  • Noise induced Hearling loss in Dentistry part 2

    PART II Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has been an ignored yet significant work hazard for all dental professionals.  While we have evolved with personal protective equipment, our hearing continues to be permanently damaged due to the high intensity sounds in the dental environment, leading to production issues and lower quality of life.In this brief webinar, we examine the facts and data on NIHL and show how serious the risks are for dental professionals, citing decades of dental literature while introducing a novel solution that will protect our hearing while not compromising communication 

    Length: 34:37 min
    Dr Sam Shamardi